Dentist-therapist – Ruslana Smischuk-Pogozhyh

Ruslana Smischuk-Pogozhyh About General dentist. Specialist in such areas as: preventive dental hygiene treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis artistic restoration of teeth endodontics teeth whitening denture in one visit with the technique “adhesive...

Dentist orthopedist – Svitlana Neshenko

Svitlana Neshenko About Dentist-therapist, dentist-orthopedist Eliminates problems in the hard tissues of the tooth (caries and non-carious lesions), internal teeth (root canal system), around the tooth (periodontal – the supporting device of the tooth), in the...

Dentist-therapist Svitlana Horban-Nehoda

Svitlana Horban-Nehoda About Dentist-therapist, professional oral hygienist, has expertise in periodontal gum treatment, all kinds of dental restorations, modern methods of endodontic treatment, laser technique. Currently is a member of the Dental Association of...